A few weeks ago I decided to jump in my car and just drive. With no particular destination in mind, I relied on my inner compass. I ended up at a park peppered with people - all enjoying the simple pleasures of summer. As I pulled into a parking space I noticed a couple with their infant, standing idle while facing the sun. The fathers' head was tilted slightly upward, his eyes closed as he grinned while holding his child tightly to his chest. The mother took a similar pose standing a step behind him. They were beautifully dressed in colorful African attire. As I got out of my car, which was parked about 30 feet away, I saw the sun's golden glow drenching all three of them. I felt like an intruder as I quietly closed the car door and stood still. I was drawn in to the serenity and the graceful energy I had unexpectedly become a part of. The mother turned to me and smiled. I returned the gesture, humbled and thankful that I could witness such a beautiful moment.
I walked around the park reflecting on those few moments I had just witnessed. I thought back to my
teachings, thankful for the guidance I had been given from many wonderful people throughout my life. I saw the mental diagram of spiritual growth I've held onto for as long as I can remember. It is that of a pyramid with numerous starting points across the bottom. Each starting point represents various spiritual paths, and each path leads to the pinnacle - the Divine.
Curious, with a never ending appetite to learn, I was given the opportunity to gain more understanding of different religions in the past. I had concluded that 'organized religion' was not for me. That doesn't mean I don't respect the choices of those who do partake, it simply means that as a Spiritualist, a more direct journey towards enlightenment is more in harmony with my personal path.
Spiritualists have endured some pretty harsh criticism over the years based on outdated interpretations. The breeding ground being documented cases from a time when seances were organized by the bored and wealthy in the halls of great mansions. These trails of interpretations, and subsequent spin-offs, have left an aftertaste with mainstream society in that Spiritualists work from the dark side, employing the magic arts. The elements and practices Spiritualists use in their Light journey are used with the same intent as drinking from a chalice, praying to statues or a wearing a cross. All of which are acceptable means of worship in some organized religions. Rest assured, a true Light Worker does not work with the black arts for the key is to 'harm none'. Lets not forget Universal Law dictates that what you send out comes back.
Please see 'Spiritualism – At Arms Length - Part 2